Visit and Connect

Photo credit: Jeong Hyun Hwang
Whether you come to campus or engage with us virtually, there are an array of options available that capture the energy and passion of this amazing place—and of our amazing Obies. We look forward to getting to know you!
Visit In Person
The Oberlin Admissions Office is open Monday through Friday and select Saturdays. During your visit, prospective students can tour campus, attend an information session, and interact with current students.
Connect Virtually
Learn about Oberlin, get an in-depth look at our campus, and ask us questions by attending live virtual visits, all led by Oberlin students! Virtual tours, information sessions, and student panels are scheduled at a variety of times throughout the week.
Explore Virtual Programming Interactive Campus Map
Oberlin Comes to You!
Every fall, our admissions counselors travel across the country to meet with prospective students and high school counselors to talk about all that Oberlin has to offer.
Oberlin College on the Road Oberlin Conservatory on the Road
Contact Us
At Oberlin, we take a personalized approach to education. Our admissions representatives are here to help as you explore Oberlin.